Wednesday 15 May 2013


“a miracle. Suddenly I found myself standing at the door of a room I had always wanted to enter and where he was moving freely and fully at ease. I felt encouraged and stimulated: someone was expressing what I had always wanted to say without knowing how. Tarkovsky for me is the greatest, the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as reflection, life as a dream."

Ingmar Bergman

“the three greatest tasks for film in the twentieth century are 1) To make the epic, that is, to tell the tales of the tribes of the world. 2) To keep it personal, because only in the eccentricities of our personal lives do we have any chance at the truth. 3) To do the dream work, that is, to illuminate the borders of the unconscious. The only filmmaker I know that does all these three things equally in every film he makes is Andrei Tarkovsky.”

Stan Brakhage